Tuesday, 15 July 2014


         The French typically eat only a simple breakfast which consists of coffee or tea, served traditionally in a large handleless bowl and bread or breakfast pastries. Lunch consist of the starter course, a salad, a main course, and finally a cheese or dessert course. French cuisine are often associated with rich desserts, most home desserts consist of fruit or yogurt. Cheese and wine are a major part of the cuisine. France is one of the oldest wine producing regions of Europe. Bordeaux wine, Bourgogne wine and Champagne are important agricultural products. Some of the popular dishes are Boeuf bourguignon, brandade, chocolate éclair, etc. French cuisine was codified in the 20th century by Georges Auguste Escoffier to become the modern version of haute cuisine. Cutleries are used with the fork in the left hand, prongs facing down and the knife in the right hand.

variety French Cuisines

Andouillette with chips

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